Monday, July 6, 2015

Who is Alisa

Alisa is a new author discovering the many paths on the road to being a successful writer and enjoying the journey along the way. Looking toward retirement and a writer's life would be her life-long dream. She is so close she can taste it!

When she thinks of a writer's life, two images pop into her head, one is sitting on the deck of her home overlooking the ocean, writing a story deep into the night.

Tucked away from the world in order to create what they crave: Hot spanking romance stories intended to spice up the lives of ordinary, or extraordinary women, hoping to bring them pleasure, something to look forward to and perhaps find a way to a happier, more satisfied life.

Whether they choose to only fantasize about it or actually bring it up to their partner and give it a try, either way spanking does tend to add spice to one's life.

If other women are like Alisa, maybe they thought the world would come crashing down, or the sky would fall on them if they talked about such things. Things that were taboo, especially to someone that was brought up to be a good girl. How could they ask their partner to put them over their knee and spank them? That just wasn't done! Well ladies and/or gentlemen, ask away! What can it hurt except of course your buns, and that is the fun part.

Chances are if you fantasize about it, you will enjoy it, but you never know till you try. Believe it or not, the sky won't fall in, life will continue on as before, you may just have a hotter sex life, be more fulfilled and have a smile on your face more often than not.

Do the research, set some rules to live by and dive right in! For help along the way visit any of the authors here, or at, we write the stories to help you along your journey of discovery and romance.

** For adults over 18 only. Contains Sexually Explicit Content. These are the ramblings of one person, not a trained professional, information is provided solely for one's pleasure, not to offer advice. If this content offends you do not read it. The books, comments, links, etc., will have spanking, romance, BDSM, LQGT, and many other wildly erotic content contained herein. Read at your own risk.