Mackenzie was quivering inside, not quite able to hold herself together as she wrapped her arms around the trunk of the tree. The scene she just witnessed had her wet with need, not even sure she knew what she needed. She just knew she wanted to experience that sort of manhandling and be taken to task by her lord and master.
With each smack to Lydia's bottom, Mackenzie's pulse had quickened. Her face was flushed and she felt a wetness between her legs and a desire to touch herself. Her body was on fire as she dared to pinch one of her nipples. Before she knew it she was moaning with pleasure, wrapped up in her own world of pleasure and fantasy.
So wrapped up in fact, she never heard heard him coming... Disturbed out of her self-pleasure party Mackenzie about jumped out of her skin when someone grabbed both her wrists. Her eyes flew open to see William eye level to her in the tree, holding a wrist in each hand. "Ahh! What are you doing here?" She gasped, looking around to get her bearings.
"A better question is what are you doing here, little one?"
"I.., I uhm, well".., she stuttered as she tried to get out of the embarrassing situation. He had seen her pinching her nipples, rocking as she straddled the wide tree branch moaning with pleasure. It was obvious what she had been doing until he so rudely interrupted her. She had no words.
He however had many words for her, as he yelled down to Lydia, "I found a trapped animal up here, you go ahead and run home and I will deal with this. I'll call on you tomorrow."
He waited until she was far enough out of ear shot before he raised his voice and hissed, "What are you doing spying on me! I demand to know what you are doing up here and why you were watching me discipline my fiancee."
"Still at a loss for words, she could only stutter, "I was, I um.." not able to tell him what exactly she was doing.
"Well, I have just the cure for bad little girls who spy on men and women sharing an intimate moment. You will get the same treatment as Lydia, but an even harsher one for spying on us and touching yourself in that vile way. You are too young to act in that crude way, you must save your passion for your husband."
She begged to be let go, "Please sir, I was here in the tree long before you came along, this is where I spend quite a lot of time, its my favorite spot in the world. I wasn't spying, I was reading and you came along, then what could I do except wait until you left to come down. I didn't know you would give me a show, or that I would have that reaction to it."
"Very well, I believe you didn't mean to spy on us, but nonetheless, you did and you saw things you should have never seen. I must punish you for that and for touching yourself. Now, straddle that tree trunk with your head facing down and your bottom facing up. You better wrap your legs around that branch and hold on tight, I'd hate for you to fall out of the tree."
Mackenzie could only sit there with her mouth hanging open. She couldn't believe her ears, he wanted her to do what?
Pulling her up by her arms he assisted her into the desired position, flipping her dress and petticoats above her head as she screamed and fought the best she could under the limited space. "No sir, please I didn't see anything, I promise. I won't say a word, please don't spank me!" She begged with renewed vigor as she saw him sit on a branch next to her in perfect position to reach her vulnerable cheeks.
"Now you dare to lie to me? That will be ten lashes with my belt on top of this thrashing I'm going to give you. Now tell me, what did you see. Don't you dare lie to me again."
"I saw you eating, then arguing, then I saw you.. I saw you take Lydia over your knees and spank her." she squeaked timidly.
"So you admit you lied to me when you said you saw nothing?" He lashed out to her.
"Yes sir, I lied, I saw everything," she yelped as the first palm slammed into to her cheek. The next slap was harder and it seemed as if that trend continued, each slap building onto the last stinging one, creating fire on her backside. All she could do was hold on to the tree branch with her arms and legs wrapped tightly to keep her from falling. Each smack made her gasp with the pain he was inflicting, willing him to stop as she shut her eyes tightly and prayed.
After a full five minutes of his heavy handed discipline he stopped momentarily to change positions, moving to another branch so he could get a better angle while she tried to catch her breath and relax.
Her reprieve didn't last long and he was now using a new tactic of hitting her the same spot repeatedly to bring the fire to the surface. Ten hard smacks to the same spot, then move to the other cheek and smack it ten times, then the bottom both cheeks at once had her howling in pain as she pleaded, "Please stop sir, I'm sorry. I won't do it again, I promise."
Ignoring her pleas he told her, "I must teach you a lesson to never spy on others. You must promise to never share this with anyone, what you saw and the punishment you are receiving, do you understand me?"
"Yes, yes I understand, please sir I have learned my lesson," she pleaded with him once more. Her bottom was cherry red by now and her pussy lips were quivering with each slap. She could feel the moistness seeping out each time she squeezed her lips together.
Finally, when he felt he had dealt a fair punishment, he helped her sit up. She winced at the pain as she did so.
"That is the punishment for spying on adults and for acting wanton. Now, I want you to climb down this tree and you will receive the rest of your punishment," brooking no argument as he started to ascend the tree ahead of her. As soon as his feet were on the ground he started to unbuckle his belt and remove it from his pants.
She missed a step and almost fell to the ground when she saw his belt in his hand. How could she take anymore pain to her backside? It was on fire. She resigned herself to take it since she had been bad and was touching herself.
He commanded her to hold her dress and petticoats up above her waist as she leaned against the tree, but didn't prepare her for the first blow as it made its impact across her cheeks. "Yeow!" She yelled, jumping up and down to ease the pain.
"Assume the position and hold it or I will add more to your ten," he told her brusquely. And so it went, he repeated the onslaught to her burning cheeks as she sobbed and begged him to stop. The belt on her backside was like a burning flame that left its imprint with each lick. Finally he was done but made her stay in that position against the tree with her nose touching it, holding up her skirts so she couldn't rub the afflicted area.
"Now young lady, tell me have you learned something today?" he asked with a knowing tone.
"Yes, yes sir. I will never spy again, or touch myself, or lie about it, I promise you that. I have learned my lesson well and thank you for teaching me," she gushed to please him.
"Very well, run along home then and speak of this day to no one or there will be hell to pay, much worse than today, do you understand me?" Quizzing her once again to validate her compliance.
"Yes sir, I understand. No one will know except the two of us," she dreamily replied. The truth was she was already lying to him because she couldn't wait to get home and touch herself again. This time she thought she might be able to have release, unlike the other times when she was left high and dry on the precipice. Her body was alive as she walked away on shaky legs, the moistness only increased as she fantasized about the punishment she had just received. Unable to wait any longer, she ran to the sanctuary of her own room and locked the door behind her.
Over 18 only. This story contains spanking and other erotic elements. Do not read this if it offends you.
Hot Spanking Romance Stories ~ This is a virtual peek into my window pane. I write Spanking Romance stories for Blushing Books solely for the enjoyment of those who partake. Over 18 Only
Saturday, April 30, 2016
Thursday, April 28, 2016
April Ending
This summer I am challenging myself to write and release free shorts at least twice a month. Let’s call it a win-win. You win because you get free hot spanking stories to hopefully get your jollies. It’s a win for me because I get to interact with my readers while flexing my writers muscles.
So, what’s your fancy? You like a good over the knee spanking with feet flying up in the air? (My fave) Or bent over the desk for a good hard paddling maybe? Oohh, or should I say Owie? There is something about nature that does it for me, so let’s go with over the knee, under a sprawling shade tree in the middle of a meadow.
Along one side of the lush green meadow was a low wall that meandered this way and that. One could imagine the men building it over a hundred years ago to divide their property lines. If it helped keep their horses and cattle from wandering away, all the better. Men with bulging muscles, shirts long abandoned in the brilliant sunshine carrying rocks from the river. Rocks piled high, one on top of the other with mud filling the cracks and crevices.
Under one special tree the rock wall rose taller than the rest, reaching over seven feet with an alcove built in. The alcove was a private place for reading on a long Sunday afternoon, or napping under the tree. At night the sounds of nature surrounded your senses while you stargazed or sat up high on a branch. Many stolen kisses were shared in the secret alcove and many virtuous maidens had fallen under it's spell. A trip to the alcove could change your life, awakening powers within that could never again be hidden or ignored.One such maiden had visited the alcove as a child to pass the time away. Getting lost in her thoughts, books or painting she could never get enough time at her favorite place in the world. Her private space made her feel special as she pretended her knight in shining armor had built it just for her. As she matured she found it brought feelings to the surface, her belly felt funny and her breathing would come in gasps as she tossed and turned under that shade tree.
She would imagine her knight was there holding her down by her wrists as he kissed her lips and neck. Her voluptuous breasts were barely contained inside the low cut of her dress, as she panted and gasped for air while he tortured her with his tongue. Ripe and hard nipples peeking out ever so slightly, begging to be set free and suckled.
Mackenzie didn’t understand what was happening to her body, she just knew she only felt alive when he was worshipping her with his lips. Although, she was never quite satisfied with the result and was left frustrated by her invisible lover.
One warm summer day Mackenzie was sitting high above the alcove reading her favorite book when she heard voices. Not able to see anything except what was just below her, she strained her neck to see, curious who else knew about her secret place.
She recognized William from school, but the girl she had never seen before. She had golden locks of hair flowing halfway down her back, with full red lips and rosy cheeks. Mackenzie thought she was the most beautiful girl she’d ever seen and watched intently as they approached. William spread a blanket out and gave her his hand while she sat, spreading the food out for an afternoon picnic.
They talked about small things of no consequence as they ate their meal and drank wine. Her laughter reaching up through the branches like a tinkling of a bell in the wind. His voice was strong and dominant and seemed to be getting louder and more demanding. Suddenly their voices were both raised and Mackenzie could tell he was very angry with her. It seems that another boy had accompanied her on an outing and he was jealous.
“How could you go with Jake of all people? He is a snake, always trying to steal the girls of his best friends. He’s a rat, and worse yet he leaves the girls heartbroken as he moves on to the next one. I thought you had more sense than that Lydia. I forbid you to go anywhere with him again, do you understand me?” He commanded.
“You can’t forbid me to do anything Wiliam, I don’t belong to you or anyone else. What’s more, I refuse to listen to your insults anymore, I am leaving!” She yelled at him as she got up to leave.
“You do belong to me, we are to be married and I will not have my future wife talking to the likes of him. Now you sit back down here and we’re going to work this out.” He shouted to her retreating back.
Mackenzie had front row seats to a great novel being played out before her eyes and she was entranced.
Taking three long strides William caught up to Lydia just as they got to the tree, pinning her between himself and the tree as she struggled to get free. When that didn’t work she reached up and slapped him hard across the face, stilling all movement for a few jaw dropping moments.
That put him over the top and he grabbed Lydia by the wrist and led her over to the bench in the alcove, ignoring her protests to let her go. Seating himself in the middle of the bench, he pulled her across his knees in one fluid movement and flipped her many layers of dress and slips over her head. Before she knew what was happening he began to spank her while she struggled to get free, yelping at the pain and humiliation he was inflicting.
Wrapping his leg around hers to keep her from kicking and bucking, he then grabbed both her wrists and held them tightly at the small of her back. Now good and trapped he tore into her as he spanked her cheeks relentlessly. “You will never sass me again. You will never be seen with that man or any other, you belong to me and only me. DO. I. MAKE. MYSELF. CLEAR?” Each word emphasizing a harder slap than the one before it as she screamed.
“Stop! That hurts William, I command you to stop and let me up!” she shrieked at the top of her lungs.
“You don’t command me, I command you. You belong to me. This delicate bottom is mine to spank anytime I wish. These cheeks are mine to bare,” pulling at her bloomers as he spoke. Her bottom was now completely bare as Mackenzie watched in sheer horror and excitement, having to hold on the branches so she wouldn’t fall out of the tree.
Once he had her cheeks bare he wailed on them until they were bright red and then started on the bottom of her cheeks while she sobbed. Finally after a full ten minutes of agonizing punishment, he stopped and rubbed circles across her buttocks, leaving her in that position across his thighs.
“Now young lady, what do you have to say for yourself? Are you ready to apologize for slapping me, your belligerence and for going out with Jake? Or do you need more persuasion?” He impatiently asked.
“Yes, yes, I am sorry, I’ll never do it again I swear. Please no more, I have learned my lesson, please let me up,” she begged between sobs.
“Very well then, I accept your apology. We will make the arrangements and be married in less than a month’s time, as we had planned.
To Be Continued….
Friday, April 15, 2016
The Character of Emmy
Well, her name is actually Emogene, but her friends and family called her Ginny. Why then did Max call her Emmy? Because she lied about her name, where she lived and everything else about her life to Max, hoping to make her escape. She didn't get out soon enough though and he took a piece of her heart to hold on to.
Emmy moved back home on the ranch after being away at school to help her Dad and brother run the ranch after her Dad was injured. Her life had been put on hold to help save the ranch which was her duty and her pleasure after all her Dad and family had done for her.
After receiving some bad news about her father's condition, Emmy took off for a ride through the countryside, ending up at a Fourth of July picnic on a ranch. She was enjoying the male attention of all the hot cowboys and was dancing the night away, not a care in the world. That is until the ranch owner decided she was too much trouble and removed her bodily from the dance floor, just before she passed out for the night.
She woke up next to a smokin hot cowboy the next morning, with no memory of what happened, or how she got there. Scared and embarrassed, she tried to flee, but Max wanted answers and wanted to get to know the mystery lady.
They got along as well as gasoline and matches and the fire erupted not five minutes into their relationship. Her usual bullying, cussing and ordering people around didn't work with Max, instead he took her over his knee for one good hard and long spanking, leaving her cheeks flaming and her pulses racing.
She found herself torn between some exotic sexual experimentation and continuous over the knee spankings, it was bizarre, and the worst part was she grew to love it too quickly. She craved his touch, both his hard spanking touch that left her breathless and panting, and the fierceness that he devoured her body with. He controlled her and no matter how far she ran, there was no escaping the feelings he had aroused deep within her. He had awakened her inner animal and he was the only one who could tame her.
Read the story of their explosive relationship and follow them down a winding path as Emmy rejects the spanking life, at the same time she can't get enough of it.
Enchant Me is available at Amazon, and Barnes and Noble
Follow me on Goodreads and Twitter, @a_eckols
All my books contain spanking, sexual encounters, one part kink, five parts romance, lots of love and a sprinkling of BDSM. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen, and away from my books. If you can handle the heat, want some spice, and a little of this and that, then I encourage you to check it out and leave reviews if you like. Thank you to all my readers and reviewers!
Emmy moved back home on the ranch after being away at school to help her Dad and brother run the ranch after her Dad was injured. Her life had been put on hold to help save the ranch which was her duty and her pleasure after all her Dad and family had done for her.
After receiving some bad news about her father's condition, Emmy took off for a ride through the countryside, ending up at a Fourth of July picnic on a ranch. She was enjoying the male attention of all the hot cowboys and was dancing the night away, not a care in the world. That is until the ranch owner decided she was too much trouble and removed her bodily from the dance floor, just before she passed out for the night.
She woke up next to a smokin hot cowboy the next morning, with no memory of what happened, or how she got there. Scared and embarrassed, she tried to flee, but Max wanted answers and wanted to get to know the mystery lady.
They got along as well as gasoline and matches and the fire erupted not five minutes into their relationship. Her usual bullying, cussing and ordering people around didn't work with Max, instead he took her over his knee for one good hard and long spanking, leaving her cheeks flaming and her pulses racing.
She found herself torn between some exotic sexual experimentation and continuous over the knee spankings, it was bizarre, and the worst part was she grew to love it too quickly. She craved his touch, both his hard spanking touch that left her breathless and panting, and the fierceness that he devoured her body with. He controlled her and no matter how far she ran, there was no escaping the feelings he had aroused deep within her. He had awakened her inner animal and he was the only one who could tame her.
Read the story of their explosive relationship and follow them down a winding path as Emmy rejects the spanking life, at the same time she can't get enough of it.

Follow me on Goodreads and Twitter, @a_eckols
All my books contain spanking, sexual encounters, one part kink, five parts romance, lots of love and a sprinkling of BDSM. If you can't take the heat, stay out of the kitchen, and away from my books. If you can handle the heat, want some spice, and a little of this and that, then I encourage you to check it out and leave reviews if you like. Thank you to all my readers and reviewers!
firm hand,
punished cowgirl,
tough love,
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